
31 March 2014

Easter Mimosa Bar

I can't believe that it's almost April.  Has this year flown by or what?!?  In exactly 26 days my little girl turns 2!  OMG, I can't even think about how big she's getting.  Before I dive into full blown party planning, I've get to get another little event all set up... Easter!
Easter Mimosa Bar | A little about a Lot
Do you have Easter Brunch, Lunch or Dinner?

In my family we always have an Easter dinner, however since everyone gets to my house around lunch time, I had to have something for them to snack on.... and drink :)

Welcome to the Easter Mimosa Bar!
Easter Mimosa Bar | A little about a Lot
I'm not gonna lie,  I love mimosa's.  They are such a treat, since I usually only have them when we're out to breakfast {which isn't very often} or on a holiday.  So when I came across this "mimosa bar how to" {by Kojo-designs} I knew I had to have a mimosa bar of my own!
Easter Mimosa Bar | A little about a Lot
I made Orange Juice, Strawberry Lemonade & Rhubarb Strawberry Juice.  The mixers were so delicious, you could have drank them without any Champagne!   I handmade all the mixers {recipes here} however, to save a lot of time, you can just pick any pre-made juice mixes from the store.
Easter Mimosa Bar | A little about a Lot
Easter Mimosa Bar | A little about a Lot
I don't know about you, but I love putting fruit in my Mimosa's.  So the night before I froze some Raspberries, Blueberries and cut up Strawberries, and served them in these cute little jars.  They were the perfect addition :)
Easter Mimosa Bar | A little about a LotEaster Mimosa Bar | A little about a Lot
Easter Mimosa Bar | A little about a Lot
Now that everyone was settled in with their drink, it was time to fill their bellies!

I didn't want anything too filling {since I was slaving away in the kitchen cooking a fabulous Easter dinner}, but I wanted it really tasty.  Some of it was homemade, some store bought, all delicious!

Mini Feta Puffs 
{Carmelized Onion Feta Puffs} from Trader Joes.  If you haven't had them, get in your car, drive to the store and buy some now!  
You will fall in love.
Easter Mimosa Bar | Mini Feta Puffs | A little about a Lot
Easter Mimosa Bar | Mini Feta Puffs| A little about a Lot
Glazed Meatballs
with a Jelly & Chili glaze {recipe here}
Easter Mimosa Bar | Glazed Meatballs | A little about a Lot
Spinach Dip
My Aunt-in-law makes this for every event and we all LOVE it!  One day I'll ask her for the recipe......
Easter Mimosa Bar | Spinach Dip| A little about a Lot
Caprese Bites
Mini mozzarella balls, mini heirloom tomatoes (or grape tomatoes) & Basil.  
Sprinkle with Salt & pepper then drizzle some olive oil & balsamic vinegar over the top.    
Easter Mimosa Bar | Caprese Bites | A little about a Lot
and of course the Easter table wouldn't be complete without Deviled Eggs!
Easter Mimosa Bar  | A little about a Lot
Gosh, I'm getting hungry just looking at all this yummy food!
Easter Mimosa Bar  | A little about a Lot
I love how versatile this Mimosa bar is, you can have this bar at any holiday, birthday party, bridal shower or even a baby shower.  Remember how I said that my little girl's birthday was right before Easter?  Well at the time, I was 38 weeks pregnant while hosting this Champagne Bar... can you say torture!?!?!?!

Luckily, a pretty Champagne glass filled with Sparkling Cider and Strawberry Lemonade {my personal favorite} and I completely almost forgot that I wasn't actually drinking Champagne.
Easter Mimosa Bar | A little about a Lot

(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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  1. What a cute mimosa bar! I guess I've never thought of doing one but now I might have to!Treadway Made

    1. I would definitely recommend it! It was such a fun way to spruce up the traditional mimosa :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! It was really delicious and so easy to put together!

  3. What a beautiful spread! Great entertaining idea ;)

    1. Thanks! It turned out a lot "prettier" than I expected :)

  4. Everything looks fantastic! I need a mimosa bar asap. :)

    1. Yes, everyone should have a mimosa bar! It was so delicious... since then we've made up reasons to break out the mimosas! haha


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