
03 April 2014

Colorful Initial Art

Hello!  Sorry for being a little MIA... my munchkin was on spring break all week, which has been good & bad.  It made my day a little less hectic {since I didn't have to be a taxi all day} but it also got our routine all out of wack!  

Since we were home most of the week,  I ended up spending a lot of time working on random projects around the house and trying to keep my {stir crazy} kids entertained.  So sadly my blog took a back seat... but I'm back!

Last week I posted a bunch of really cute and easy Pintastic painting crafts - for the kids.  Since my munchkin comes home with paintings every day from school, I thought this would be the perfect activity for her.  As soon as I told her we were painting, she was ECSTATIC!!  She couldn't wait to start.
Colorful Inital Art | Kid Painting Craft | A little about a Lot
First we got the paints out {old egg dying cups are perfect for this} and start laying the masking tape down.  
First was the "M"
Colorful Inital Art | Kid Painting Craft | A little about a Lot
Then we added a few diagonal lines and "stars"
Colorful Inital Art | Kid Painting Craft | A little about a Lot
Time to start painting!
Colorful Inital Art | Kid Painting Craft | A little about a Lot
I got this gigantic clipboard years ago and since we don't have an easel, this works out perfectly!
Colorful Inital Art | Kid Painting Craft | A little about a Lot
Colorful Inital Art | Kid Painting Craft | A little about a Lot
"Mommy, I'm done"
Colorful Inital Art | Kid Painting Craft | A little about a Lot
Let it dry {you can use a blow dryer to speed up the process}
Colorful Inital Art | Kid Painting Craft | A little about a Lot
 Once it's dry, carefully peel the masking tape off
Colorful Inital Art | Kid Painting Craft | A little about a Lot
By the time it dried, my munchkin was already sleeping, so she didn't see how it turned out, until the next morning...

She LOVED it!

I think that smile says is all :)
Colorful Inital Art | Kid Painting Craft | A little about a Lot
"Look momma, it's an "M", just like Madison and just like Momma.  It's perfect!"

(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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