My hubby and I were lucky enough to grow up about 20min away from Disneyland, so we've been going there our whole lives. It.never.gets.old!
In the summer of 2012 we took our kids to Disney for the 1st time. Since it was our first trip, I HAD to make some crafts! Now almost 2 years later, I've finally gotten around to posting about them. So check back over the next week or so to see everything!
This craft started back around Father's day {of 2012}. I was planning on just buying tickets, but then after seeing how expensive they were and figured we'd only end up staying for 3-4hours and we'd probably going back with the grandparents a time or two... I came to the conclusion that an annual pass worked out better.
With Father's Day around the corner, why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone? Annual Pass & Gift all in one. Now I didn't want to just hand him a card with the computer print outs, so I thought I'd be a little creative...
First we had to make the sign... letting him know what we were doing.
I used these cute wooden signs and painted it with black chalkboard paint
Then it was picture time...
We took a lot of photos......
Next it was time to turn all those photos into a cute little cardAs cute as this card was, it didn't exactly explain that we got Annual Passes... not just tickets
So I went online looking for what an Annual Pass looked like (in case you didn't know, they change like every year!!). I found one I liked and then created my own.
**This is not an actual pass - just a design printed on Cardstock**
Cut and Glue
Looks pretty good :) I even fooled my hubby - he thought it was the real thing.
He thought we'd only go once, so he was sooo excited to find out we got passes!
The first time we ever went to Disneyland together was back in 2006 {shortly after we got engaged}. Fast forward 6 years and we have 2 little munchkins with us. How things change.... in the best way ever!
(Do you see my kids adorable Minnie Mouse shirts? HERE IS THE TUTORIAL!!)