There was 8 different fires throughout the county, over 30 homes were destroyed and 26,500+ acres burned. It was scary, it felt like the whole county was on fire. Between Santa Ana winds and 100+ degree temps, the firefighters had an uphill battle.
The first fire started last Tuesday, I was glued to the tv. I've lived in San Diego for 13 years and we've had 2 terrible fires {2003 and 2007} and I remember how quickly they got out of control. The neighborhood a few miles away from us was evacuated and I was so worried that we might be next. Luckily the amazing firefighters got the flames under control and all evacuations were lifted... until the next day.
On Wednesday there was 5-6 more fires, this time houses were burning, thousands of people were being evacuated and it was just getting hotter and hotter. Fires were popping up all over the county and they believe some of them were set deliberately. Our amazing firefighters & military worked 24/7 putting out and containing the flames and thanks to them, all evacuations were lifted by Sunday morning. As of today, all but 1 fire is 100% contained and the last one is over 95% contained, which is such a relief.
Now, that was enough to stress anyone out, but on top of that, my hubby & I had a {kid-free} trip to Seattle planned and we were flying out Thursday. I was so freaked out about leaving my kids behind during a fire storm. What if the winds changed direction? What if they got evacuated? Would they be safe?? ahhh!!!! My head was spinning.... After consulting my hubby, friends and family, they all convinced me that WE NEEDED TO GO and that the kids will be fine! They were in the safe hands of grandmothers and we had great friends near by to help with evacuations {if needed}.
So we went and had a fabulous time, {although, I did manage to check news reports about every hour or so....} Needless to say, no blogging got done before or during the trip.
So here it is, a week later, a lot cooler {only a high of 75 today!} and I've got a lot of great things to share, starting with this Easy Iron On Transfer Tutorial. I made these shirts for my sister and she loved them!
First I created the design on my Silhouette Cameo
Make sure to MIRROR the image, so it's backwards!
I cut the image from my Silhouette and then weeded out the parts I didn't want transferred.
Next I placed the design on the bottonm right corner of the shirt.
Next I ironed the image onto my shirt. Be careful not to move the iron from side to side, instead press the iron down, lift up, move to next spot and press it down again.
This happened to mine when I "ironed" instead of "pressed"
**Make sure to read the instructions for your specific heat transfer material**
However, the final product looked really cute and it just added a little something extra to a simple sleep shirt. :)