
07 February 2014

Pintastic Friday #1 {Valentine's}

Hello... My name is Angela... and I'm a Pinaholic

I love pinning great ideas, tips and recipes, but I'm REALLY bad about following thru and actually making them.

So I thought I'd try and motivate myself....

I'll start sharing a few of my favorite pins each week and then pick one to make.  So today is the start, next week I'll be sharing my completed pin and I'll post a new list of pins to attempt to tackle.


I think I want to squeeze in one (or two) more Valentine's Day crafts, so here are a few pintastic ones I've found :) 

Secret Messages

Conversation Love Blocks, Simple Valentine decor

 kid valentine crafts (pencil holder printables)

Now for the really hard part... picking which awesome craft to tackle.  
Wish me luck!

(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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