
10 February 2014

Personalized Golf Balls

Where did Monday go?  I wanted to get this posted first thing, but instead of working on posts last night, I watched the premier of Walking Dead w/the hubs.  Do any of you watch that show?!?!?  OMG {yes, I just said OMG},  if you don't, you must start watching NOW!  It's fantastic, addictive and an intense show - we love it!

Now normally I wouldn't have time to blog on Monday mornings, since my kiddos have swim class, but this morning was different...  I spent my morning sitting around while a plumber fixed the sink.


Luckily, after a quick 3.5 hours the sink was fixed - yahoo!!  Even though my morning errands were shot and swim class was cancelled at least I was able to squeeze a new post in {silver lining}

So, today I wanted to share this fun and easy Silhouette Cameo craft - great for anyone - but this was made for my Father-in-law.

I created the design on my Cameo first

I printed it on Tattoo Paper ** remember to mirror image before printing!!!**

Then I had my Cameo cut it out 
If you don't have a Cameo, Cricket, etc... you can print any image from Word, Photoshop, Etc {mirror image in printer settings} and then cut out with scissors :)

Time to apply on the golf ball
 Place on ball and wet the back {per the instructions on the tattoo paper package}
They turned out super cute...
Hopefully my Father-In-Law doesn't lose them all in the lake :)

(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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