
29 January 2014

Baptism Subway Art

Today's project is very special to me, since it was made for my daughter's baptism.

When my 1st got baptized, I never gave the godparents anything {which I'm still feeling guilty about ---- 3 years later}.  Now Fast forward oops, I mean rewind to my 2nd daughters baptism... I knew I had to do something.

Every godparent gift I found online just didn't seem to interest me.  Most gifts were trinkets, that would probably get shoved into a drawer {never to be seen again}, while others were a little over the top {and expensive!!}.  I wanted something that they could keep out to remember the day & their goddaughter, but was also simple enough that it could blend in with any home decor.

Which made me think that framed subway art would be perfect. 
I created this Subway Art on my Silhouette and then just printed it on Cardstock and stuck it in a frame.  

Really really simple!

This one was for her Godfather. 
Since it was for a guy... I made the font a little edgier and used the black/brown frame
 Now for her Godmother...

 I found this beautiful pearl frame & used lighter colors and "girlier" fonts
I know you're curious

Or maybe I just want to show off my little angel

Here she is on her big day
 little angel - right?!?!?!

She was so good!  No crying & perfectly happy through the baptism,
then slept through the rest of church services

Here she is with her Godparents
{clearly a little cranky} 
guess she can't always be angelic! haha
 I know, I know, enough with family pics... :)
The gifts were a hit!  

I urge you to try and make one for yourself, but if you don't have the software {or just don't want to}, I'd love to create one for you!   Just check out my SHOP and send me an email!  :) 

(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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27 January 2014

Superbowl Party Food

Are you a football fan?

In my house we watch football. 

Okay, I'm lying... I don't watch much football, but my husband watches enough for the both of us! 

By the time Superbowl comes around - I'm excited to have a party!  We finally get to celebrate the fact the football season is over! Right?  It's that was Superbowl is about???  {all you die hard football fans, I'm just kidding - please don't hate me}

Seriously though, Superbowl is always a fun time.  We have friends over, make some yummy food and enjoy a good game.
I thought I'd share a little spread we did a few years back.  

Easy and delicious finger foods... perfect for the 3-4 hr game!
Everything was really easy and inexpensive to make.  Plus I could make most of it ahead of time and just pop what we needed in the oven and keep the rest in the fridge, until we ran out.

At every party, I always have the staple items: Chips, Salsa, Guac and my Chili Cheese Dip

I apologize for the bad photo... the dip should have been stirred up first, but I was taking my photos quickly... I had a bunch of hungry boys standing over the table patiently waiting for me to be done.  My sweet husband has learned to warn people, "Don't touch anything until she takes her pictures, no matter how hungry you are!"

1 Can Hormel chili - NO BEANS
8oz bag of Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
8oz Cream Cheese
8oz Salsa

Mix all ingredients and heat up in microwave until everything is melted and heated through.

I usually melt in this order.  1. Mix & heat cream cheese and shredded cheese until partially melted 2. Add Chili, mix & heat 3. Add Salsa, mix and heat.  It usually takes about 5-7 min in the microwave.  Make sure to stop and mix frequently. 

I also always have a Fruit Platter
This time I added some Salami, Cheese & Crackers


Crescent Rolls
String Cheese
Marinara and/or Ranch

Place 1/2 the cheese stick and some cut up pepperoni inside the crescent dough, roll up and bake.  Get full Recipe HERE


Frozen Meatballs {or make your own... I wanted quick & easy}
Small Sandwich Rolls
Provolone {or any cheese you'd prefer}
Marinara sauce

Cook meatballs per instructions, {I warmed mine up in Marinara sauce}, then place 1/2 slice of provolone in bottom of roll, place meatballs {2-3 depending on size} on top of cheese, then put remaining 1/2 slice of provolone on top.  Place under broiler until the cheese is melted {about 1-2min}
** each oven is different, so WATCH your rolls, the cheese will melt fast!  Don't let your buns get burnt**

Crescent Rolls
Mini/Cocktail Wieners
Ketchup and/or Mustard

Place the mini wiener inside the crescent dough, roll up and bake!

Last but not least - Peanut Butter Cookies!
We always have cookies in the house... I think I'm the original cookie monster! hehe

Hope you found a few yummy recipes to add to your Superbowl party!

Oh yea, they lost in the playoffs.... bummer
guess I'm rooting for the Seattle Broncos!

(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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23 January 2014

Wood Block Photo Puzzle

As I mentioned in last weeks post, I've been trying to get back into the swing of things, {a.k.a. updating my blog}.  I love crafting and I got really into blogging right before the birth of my 2nd daughter.  Naturally, I thought I could be super mom and I'd have time to juggle 2 kids under 2 and still work on posts. 

Yea, I was a little over ambitious.

I still did all these fun crafts, but I NEVER edited the pics and I NEVER got anything posted.

So here we are in 2014.  My "newborn" is almost 2 {ahhh!!} and I'm finally getting around to showing you all the fun stuff I made {yippee!!!}

I wasn't sure where to start, I have all these crafts from the past 2 years; every holiday, 4 birthday parties, numerous recipes...

So I thought I'd start with my photo puzzles.  Mainly because you can give this gift to ANYONE for ANY occasion. { I made some for my husband's birthday and then made some for the Grandpa's for Father's Day. } 

Did I also mention that it only cost $3.00 to make?   Awesome right?!?

So here is what you need:
* Wood Blocks {I used 1.5in, but you could use any size you want}
* Photos
* Paint {any color you'd like}
* Mod Podge
First make sure that you like the way your photo will look on the blocks
I tried to make sure the face {or most of it} was on the whole block - not split up

Trace the outline of the blocks on the photo - so you know where to cut
Can you see the pencil lines?  

Next it's time to paint the blocks - I chose Blue :)
Can you see that I numbered them?  

Since the blocks are all a little different, I wanted to make sure that the photo squares I cut matched the blocks that I measured.  It's not necessary, but it can help if your blocks aren't exactly the same size (which mine weren't)
Once they are dry, it's time to start gluing them
Glue your photos (one at a time) on all 4 sides of the blocks.  
Glue... Dry... Done!
 Cute huh?
They are such an easy, personal and inexpensive craft.   Since I already had paint, glue and photos, all I had to buy were the blocks.  Which I found at the craft store for $.50 each!!! So this project cost me $3.  Can you say awesome!!?!?!?

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12 January 2014

Personalized Scrabble Coasters

Is it already 2014?!?!?!?!?! Seriously, where has the time gone?
It's been a long time coming.  Every week day I spend hours looking at other blogs and I say to myself, "Today I'm going to finally catch up on mine" and clearly that hasn't happened... until today

I just don't know how those other ladies {and gents} do it.  Where do they find the time to create, organize/edit photos and then blog about it??

then I realized something.... they must not watch any TV!! haha

but seriously, that's the only thing I can figure... that or I'm just REALLY lazy (okay, maybe that's a little true too)
I read that all these other bloggers stay up at night (after the kids go to bed) and work on their blogs.  Here is my question... where is your spouse?  Are they sleeping?  Are they watching the latest episode of Homeland while you're in your craft room working?

That wouldn't happen in this house; my husband gets home after 8pm most nights and seeing as we go to bed around 11, that doesn't leave much time to do anything else but put the girls to bed, eat dinner, have a glass (or two) of wine, clean up and maybe watch a show.

I try to craft/blog during the day, but I can't seem to find enough time.  My little girls keep me VERY busy... they are active and into everything.  So I ask myself how do these other moms do it?  I sometimes get 2.5hrs of free time when they are both napping, but I don't think it's ever "free time"... there is always laundry to fold, dishes to wash, toys to pick up and Pinterest browsing to be done. hehe :)
Anyhow, enough of my banter, onto my first post of the new year.  It's a super simple craft that you can personalize anyway you'd like.  All you need is:

* Scrabble Tiles (or anything similar to them)
* Cork Board
* Wood Stain (not necessary, only if you choose to use it)
* Wood Glue
* Mod Podge or Acrylic sealer

First decide how you want to lay out your letters.
Random or Specific - it's up to YOU!
I was making these for the hubby to take to work, so I wanted them to be pretty specific... which is why I put our daughters names in the "randomness".  Can you see their names??

Look really hard....
Did you find them?  {names are Riley and Madison}

Did you notice that it was kinda hard to see the name?  Yea, I thought so too, which is NOT what I wanted.  I wanted their names to pop!

Which is where the wood stain comes in :)
Grab your specific letters and start staining them.  
Get any color you want, I happen to have this one on hand.
While those are drying, it's time to pull out the cork board and trace the area you will be placing the coaster.
Once everything is dry, place your stained letters back into your coaster and get your wood glue out.
Brush glue into your drawn square and then start placing all the letters!
Once the glue dries, take your utility knife {or anything that works and cut the cork board at a slight angle, so the cork doesn't stick out around the coasters.
See how the names pop now?
way better than before
Almost done, but not quite yet.... time to seal the outside.
Grab your Mod Podge or acrylic sealer and put 2-3 coats on the coasters.

**Reminder** Let each coat dry completely before applying the next coat.  If in a rush, you can speed up the process by drying with a hair dryer.
In case you've never used Mod Podge before - DO NOT FREAK OUT - it will dry clear :)
You are finished!!  Didn't they turn out so cute? 
I think I might need to make a set for the house!

(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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