
23 January 2014

Wood Block Photo Puzzle

As I mentioned in last weeks post, I've been trying to get back into the swing of things, {a.k.a. updating my blog}.  I love crafting and I got really into blogging right before the birth of my 2nd daughter.  Naturally, I thought I could be super mom and I'd have time to juggle 2 kids under 2 and still work on posts. 

Yea, I was a little over ambitious.

I still did all these fun crafts, but I NEVER edited the pics and I NEVER got anything posted.

So here we are in 2014.  My "newborn" is almost 2 {ahhh!!} and I'm finally getting around to showing you all the fun stuff I made {yippee!!!}

I wasn't sure where to start, I have all these crafts from the past 2 years; every holiday, 4 birthday parties, numerous recipes...

So I thought I'd start with my photo puzzles.  Mainly because you can give this gift to ANYONE for ANY occasion. { I made some for my husband's birthday and then made some for the Grandpa's for Father's Day. } 

Did I also mention that it only cost $3.00 to make?   Awesome right?!?

So here is what you need:
* Wood Blocks {I used 1.5in, but you could use any size you want}
* Photos
* Paint {any color you'd like}
* Mod Podge
First make sure that you like the way your photo will look on the blocks
I tried to make sure the face {or most of it} was on the whole block - not split up

Trace the outline of the blocks on the photo - so you know where to cut
Can you see the pencil lines?  

Next it's time to paint the blocks - I chose Blue :)
Can you see that I numbered them?  

Since the blocks are all a little different, I wanted to make sure that the photo squares I cut matched the blocks that I measured.  It's not necessary, but it can help if your blocks aren't exactly the same size (which mine weren't)
Once they are dry, it's time to start gluing them
Glue your photos (one at a time) on all 4 sides of the blocks.  
Glue... Dry... Done!
 Cute huh?
They are such an easy, personal and inexpensive craft.   Since I already had paint, glue and photos, all I had to buy were the blocks.  Which I found at the craft store for $.50 each!!! So this project cost me $3.  Can you say awesome!!?!?!?

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