
25 March 2014

Camping, Glamis & Sand Dunes

This past weekend my husband went camping and it got me thinking about all the people out there who love to camp and then all those people who want nothing to do with it.  Do you like to camp?  Or do you think campers are crazy?
I'm one of those people who wasn't always crazy about camping, but I didn't hate it.  I just tried to focus on the fun parts... drinking around the campfire & s'mores {hehe}
I think camping gets a bad rap, because there are so many ways to camp.  From a tent on the dirt {with no bathrooms in sight} to staying in a 500k trailer at a "resort" campground and then everything in between.  I think anyone can go camping and HAVE FUN as long as you go with the right people {the fun kind} and do a little prep before hand.

My hubby goes camping riding camping... well he rides while camping and camps to go riding, every other month or so.  We {me and the kids} don't tend to go since they are usually guy trips.  I like going, but someone has to stay with the kids.... always a mom first. So last month I was so excited to finally go camping again!
I was excited to get away for the kid-free weekend, to have some aloneish time with the hubbs and relax around the campfire {with a beer and a s'more}.
We drove out to the Glamis Sand Dunes and it was a blast.  My sisters boyfriend brought his trailer, beer and sweets and I brought the food, lots of it!  It was such great weather {for all you east coasters in the snow... this was us in January}.
Glamis is basically endless sand, so at night the only light comes from campfires, laterns and the stars.  That was my favorite part.  Sitting around the campfire, retelling stories of our past, drinking beers, making s'mores and enjoying each others company.
Sitting under the stars is the best
I'm still learning to shoot in manual mode... love how different the same pictures look after tweaking  a few things!
Our first full day there was filled with lots of riding and relaxing.
Oops, they caught me taking photos
The whole reason we went camping was for this guys birthday!
Remember how I told you we were surrounded by sand?

I'm serious, it was sand, trailers, sand, sand more sand, oh yea and..... 
Ice Cream!  It takes me back to the days of chocolate malts with little wooden spoons.

As much fun as riding was, I fell in love with the sunset.
Beautiful right???

Time for dinner, drinks and most importantly s'mores {did I mention that I love s'mores?} 
The next day was just as gorgeous 
Normally my hubby drives the Razor but I really really love driving it!  {I think it freaks him out, since I like to go fast}. While the boys were hanging out at the campsite, my sister and I decided to head out for a ride. {do you like the hot pink goggles? cuz I do!}

We were both laughing the whole time. SO FUN!

My the time we got back, it was time to pack up and head out... but not before another beautiful sunset
My sis had to get an Instagram pic in.

She's being doing that peace sign in pics since she was 10 years old.  I guess some things never change.
I wish I would have taken a few pics while we were riding... next time for sure. 

(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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1 comment:

  1. By far one of my favorite posts love you our adventures and the memories we continue to make love ya sis ♡♡


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