
29 January 2014

Baptism Subway Art

Today's project is very special to me, since it was made for my daughter's baptism.

When my 1st got baptized, I never gave the godparents anything {which I'm still feeling guilty about ---- 3 years later}.  Now Fast forward oops, I mean rewind to my 2nd daughters baptism... I knew I had to do something.

Every godparent gift I found online just didn't seem to interest me.  Most gifts were trinkets, that would probably get shoved into a drawer {never to be seen again}, while others were a little over the top {and expensive!!}.  I wanted something that they could keep out to remember the day & their goddaughter, but was also simple enough that it could blend in with any home decor.

Which made me think that framed subway art would be perfect. 
I created this Subway Art on my Silhouette and then just printed it on Cardstock and stuck it in a frame.  

Really really simple!

This one was for her Godfather. 
Since it was for a guy... I made the font a little edgier and used the black/brown frame
 Now for her Godmother...

 I found this beautiful pearl frame & used lighter colors and "girlier" fonts
I know you're curious

Or maybe I just want to show off my little angel

Here she is on her big day
 little angel - right?!?!?!

She was so good!  No crying & perfectly happy through the baptism,
then slept through the rest of church services

Here she is with her Godparents
{clearly a little cranky} 
guess she can't always be angelic! haha
 I know, I know, enough with family pics... :)
The gifts were a hit!  

I urge you to try and make one for yourself, but if you don't have the software {or just don't want to}, I'd love to create one for you!   Just check out my SHOP and send me an email!  :) 

(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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