
07 July 2012

Twice the fun!

I have a great excuse for ditching my blog the past few months....
Her name is Riley <3
 Born 4/26/12

I've spent the past few months nursing, sleeping and chasing my 22 month old around the house!  As crazy as it's been, I've still managed to fit in quite a bit of crafting... the only problem is that I don't have the time to post anything!  

I promise I'll be back soon... VERY soon!  I have a ton of fun crafts and I can't wait to share them with all of you. 

But until then, here are a few more pics of our newest addition <3
 her 1st day home from the hospital (hanging out with her BIG sister)
 1 month 
 2 months (already?!?!!)

Two might be twice the work but it's twice the fun! 
I'm LOVING every second!

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