
07 March 2012

I Wish Wednesdays!

In our play we reveal what kind of people we are. - Ovid

I spend most of my day picking up after my little munchkin.  We have a section of our living room (which is still a work in progress) dedicated to her toys, but she still seems to spread them ALL OVER THE HOUSE!  Some days I wish we had a separate playroom that looked something like this:

Playroom #1
 or this:
Playroom #2
or even this:
Playroom #3
Instead, my play area looks like this...
This isn't even at it's worst... hahaha

Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity. - Kay Redfield Jamison


What are you wishing for today?

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. My babies have their toys in the front room and a toybox in the dining room AND 4 boxes of toys upstairs I've put away cos there were just too many!! A playroom would be lovely but for now I guess we'll have to just put up with it :P x


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