
28 March 2012

Easter {pom pom} Egg

I've had such a hard time keeping up with the blog this past week!!  I start every day thinking, "I'll write my post today", but then I start doing something else. 

With 4 weeks until I'm due, I've been trying to tie up all the lose ends.  I'm {slowly} putting the nursery together, cleaning up my craft area and writing thank you cards... then there are the everyday "mom" duties... throw in a few play dates and working out {yes, I'm still working out} and my days are packed! 

Did you notice that I haven't even mentioned crafting or blogging?  Besides this blog, I also have my personal family blog - which also gets neglected :/
I've been making all sorts of fun crafts and getting my house decorated for Easter {which I'll be hosting again this year}.  So between decorations, dinner menus, table settings and Easter baskets, I'll have lots of fun things to share with you all :)

Now, that I've jabbered on and on and on, I'll finally get onto today's post, which is my VERY EASY Easter Pom Pom Egg {in a frame} :-D

First buy some pom pom's - {I had some left over from another project}
{I wanted to use buttons, because I've seen soooo many cute examples, BUT I didn't have any, so I decided to use pom pom's instead}
Next trace out the shape of your egg onto your paper {I used white cardstock}

Now take your glue gun and start adding the pom poms
I glued them around the outside first
Then I filled in the middle.
Now I took the glass out of my frame and added a few stickers that said 
HOP hop!
Placed it on my mantel {see my cute Easter Banner?  I'll be posting the tutorial on that tomorrow!!}
(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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