
13 March 2012

Blog Hop!

Today I was going to post a really cute tutorial, but then life got in the way...

This weekend I was supposed to finish this really cute craft (for my really cute tutorial) but as I mentioned, life got in the way.  I spent the weekend celebrating my arriving baby girl (my family threw me a lovely shower - pictures will be posted... eventually. My mom and sister made the cutest favors and decorations that I have to share!!) anyhow, where was I?

Oh yes, between my baby shower, a friend's baby's dedication, a mechanic at the house all day Sunday working on the car, getting used to the time change (ugh... my little one was so thrown off - she wouldn't nap and then was up super early - NO FUN!) and getting sucked into a new show (my hubby and I had a mini marathon - season 1 of Game of Thrones - addicted!) I didn't get any crafting done this weekend!!!

So today instead of a craft/tutorial - I'm going to do a 
Serenity You is hosting this great blog hop party and has invited all of us to join with her!

Here are her rules:
Just add your main blog url to the linky party below and grab the code at the bottom and create your own post and include the code.

Please make sure you follow the blog before you and also visit some others and let them know that you are following them!!!

**Remember this is a Blog Hop - so link up your main blog NOT specific posts**

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