
14 February 2012

Valentine's Day Card - Iheartu

I can't believe it's already Valentine's day!  I meant to get this posted a little earlier, but hey, better late then never - right?  Well I wanted to send out Valentine's cards to the grandparents and aunties, but I wanted it to be something cute and personal, so here is what I came up with.

These are really easy to make - promise! The hardest part was getting my munchkin to stand still long enough to get a few good pictures - haha.

All you need is some felt, a glue gun and a shirt.  (Now you can free-hand your heart, but since mine are always lop-sided, I used this wood heart that I had, as my stencil)
Cut out your hearts
Cut out the wording you'd like - I went with a very simple I <3 U
Now, glue the wording to the hearts
When it came to putting the hearts on the shirt, I just used a few safety pins.  I thought about putting a few small stitches instead, but I figured it would be much easier (and quicker) to pin it, since I'd have to switch the pattern 3 times.

Next came the hardest part - getting a good picture.  As you can see... I took a few!
I picked out my 3 favorites, created my collage (I used Picasa - free editing program), then added some wording and that was it.
Lastly, after printing and cutting out my collage, I glued it onto some red scrapbook paper... I thought I was done, but I felt that something was missing... so I punched a hold in the top and added a little XOXO ribbon.  Now instead of just some photos, it was a bookmark! 
I think they turned out so cute.  Something easy and simple and I know that the grandparents will LOVE it!

Hope you get to spend today with the people you love
Happy Valentine's Day!!

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