
21 October 2011

how it all started

Even though I've had a blog for 2 years, it's been 100% about my family, my friends and my life.  I love being able to share pics and videos of my happiest memories with those who aren't able to see us day to day.  While I love my family blog, I've been thinking for a while that I wanted to start a separate blog... one for just me :)

If you asked my husband, he'd tell you that I'm the most creative person ever - that I'm the best cook and the best photographer and scrapbook maker ever (he's so sweet, one of the many reasons I love him), but sadly that wouldn't be true.  As much as I LOVE to be creative, to cook, to read, to scrap, to take pics, to blog... I'm still working out the kinks.

I try to "create" my own things, but to be completely honest, I see something I like (whether it be a recipe, a craft, a photo, etc) and I try to figure out how to make it myself!  I'm what you call CHEAP - haha.  I try to do it myself, to save money, (although it NEVER saves time) and that way I get to add my own personal touch.  After it's finished, I always feel this wave of accomplishment and I'm so happy that I took the extra time to do it myself.

I get most of my ideas from looking online and at blogs, so I thought I would start posting all the things that I love to do, because if one my ideas brings any sort of happiness or pleasure to one person - then it's all worth it!  Hope you follow me in my adventure :)

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