
28 October 2011

Father's Day shirt

This year was my husbands FIRST Father's Day, so I wanted to do something special and VERY personal to him.  I decided to make him a sleep shirt with our daughters hand and foot prints on them. I know that this has been done time and time again, but it's still super cute and the memories from the day will last a lifetime!  

I wanted to make sure the shirt had a lot of personal touches, so I added the following items:
  • I put his name on the front (well, his name according to Madison, which at the time was Dada) 
  • Of course the shirt had to include the year and since my husband played baseball for many many years, I thought it would be cute to put the year on the back, like a jersey.  
  • On each of the sleeves it said "I <3 U"
  • On the back it said <3 Madison <3
It was pretty easy, just time consuming (not including buying the materials - it took most of the afternoon to make the shirt), but it came out so cute and seeing my little one covered in paint was priceless!

Here are all the items I bought.  I did make one mistake... I meant to buy black letters for the year, not white, so it would stand out better against the white shirt.  Oops - still turned out great! :)
After I ironed everything on, it was time for the paint!
I had to make sure it was colorful! :)
 Next, time for the baby - first we did the hands, in multiple colors
I rinsed her hands in between color changes
Next was the feet!
So adorable!

The finished product!  FRONT
The finished product!  BACK
This was just too cute of a picture not to include!
Off to the bathtub!!
Then the big day finally arrived - FATHER'S DAY!!
Here is my happy happy husband opening his present
Doesn't he look so cute in his new shirt?!?!?!
Hope you had a great Father's Day too!

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