
05 May 2014

Family Hand Tree

I can't believe how fast these past couple of weeks have flown by!   I didn't mean to disappear but it's been CRAZY around here.  First I was up to my ears in Minnie Mouse decor {post to follow soon} for my little girls 2nd bday party.  Then I got this cold... ugh... I hate being sick... especially when it's sunny and 90° out.
Family Hand Tree | Mother's Day Gift | A little about a Lot
Anyhow, I'm so excited to share this easy and cute Mother's Day craft with you.  I made these a few years ago for our moms "the grandma's" and they absolutely loved them!  

Here is how you can make your own Family Hand Tree :)

First cut out the tree from brown paper 
Family Hand Tree | Mother's Day Gift | A little about a Lot
Time to add your hand prints.  

Instead of making a tree from MY family (me, hubby & kids), I chose to make a tree with my hubby's family {for his mom} and a tree with my family {for my mom}.   

This was my mom's tree.  We started with our hand prints {me & my girls... my littlest one was only 2 weeks old, her hands were sooooo little!} and we added my 2 sisters later.
Family Hand Tree | Mother's Day Gift | A little about a Lot
Then I added the wording "Other things may change us, but we start and end with Family"
Family Hand Tree | Mother's Day Gift | A little about a Lot
Family Hand Tree | Mother's Day Gift | A little about a Lot
Next was my MIL's tree {hubby family}.  The hubby & kids did their hand prints first, then we added his sister & her son {who was also only 3 weeks old}. 
Let me tell you, trying to get a 2 & 3 week old to cooperate with painted hands was NOT easy, but they turned out pretty good, considering...
Family Hand Tree | Mother's Day Gift | A little about a Lot
Since both our moms live over an hour away, we weren't going to see them on Mother's Day, so I drove up the Friday before to surprise the moms "grandma's" with their gifts.  Both moms absolutely LOVED them!! It was a hit :)
Family Hand Tree | Mother's Day Gift | A little about a Lot
 {Do you see the flower pot?  I'll be sharing that Mother's Day craft later this week}

(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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