
08 March 2014

Peanut Butter Coffee Cake

Have I told you all about my addiction to Chocolate?  I know, what woman doesn't love chocolate??  But seriously, I LOVE it.  It was about 11 years ago when my hubby asked me to be his date for a very fancy work dinner at George's at the Cove {it's in La Jolla and it's amazing!} and since it was one of our very 1st dates, I remember it well...

What was I talking about?  Oh yea... chocolate!
So we're at this dinner and it's time for dessert... they bring out this amazingly delicious chocolate box.  Yes a chocolate box... filled with Grand Marnier White Chocolate Mousse with fresh berries over the top. O.M.G!

So my sweet guy {trying to be funny} asked me, "If you had to choose between chocolate & me, which would you choose?"

My response? "As long as you never make me choose, you'll never have a problem!" hahaha

He had soooo much to learn. 

That was still in the beginning... before he found out about my TRUE LOVE.  Peanut Butter & Chocolate.  Now, I couldn't imagine my life without my hubby, BUT, I could never imagine my life without peanut butter & chocolate. 
I love them individually. I love them together.  They are the best.  {As my good friend Joey would say, "put your hands together!"}  FRIENDS fans?  Anyone?  Just me? okay... moving on...
So when I came across this pin I knew I had to make it.  Dorothy @ Crazy Crust really knows her stuff and let me tell you... it's delicious! 

I didn't make any changes to her version, but I did include a little step by step {with the help of my trusty assistant}. 

First, gather all your ingredients.
Normally I don't put them all in separate bowls, but when my "assistant" is helping, this step makes it easier... for her, {not me... I end up with double the dishes}.

Time to mix the dry ingredients 
Put that bowl aside... get all your wet ingredients together 
Combine Wet & Dry ingredients together until just combined.
Now time to make the Streusel :)
Layer 1) half cake batter 2) half streusel 3) remaining batter 4) remaining streusel
Time to bake!

Gosh, the house smells sooooo good... I'm getting antsy...!

I'm doing everything in my power not to just dive right in with my fork...

Peanut Butter Coffee Cake with Chocolate Chip Streusel
Original Source: Crazy Crust

Cake Ingredients
* 1 1/2 cups Flour
* 2 tsp baking powder
* 1/2 tsp salt 
* 1/2 cup brown sugar
* 1/4 cup granulated sugar
* 1/4 cup {1/2 stick of butter}, softened
* 1/2 cup peanut butter
* 1 egg
* 1/2 cup milk

Streusel Ingredients
* 1/2 cup brown sugar
* 2 tsp cinnamon
* 2 TBsp flour
* 2 TBsp butter, melted
* 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips

  1. Preheat oven to 350°.  Spray a 9in square dish with cooking spray
  2. Whisk the flour, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl .  Set aside.
  3. In a separate large bowl {I used my mixer, with paddle attachment}, mix both sugars, butter, peanut butter and egg.  Remove bowl from mixer.  Stir in milk.  
  4. Stir dry ingredients with wet and stir {by hand} until just combined. 
  5. Make the crumb topping:  Combine brown sugar, cinnamon, flour & melted butter in a small bowl.  Once combined, fold in chocolate chips.
  6. Place half the cake batter in the pan and spread to fit.  Top with half the streusel. Repeat with remaining cake batter and streusel.  
  7. Bake for 21-25min, until a toothpick comes out clean.  {Mine took 25min}

This would be a great little dish to bring to a brunch... I might even have to add it to our Easter brunch menu  :)

(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)

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