
29 March 2012

Happy Easter Banner

Did you see my Easter Banner on yesterday's post?  
As promised, here is the tutorial :-D

I was walking through Michael's and saw these cute wooden frames {and they were only $1 each}.  At the time, I had no clue what I wanted to do with them, but I knew that I had to buy a bunch :) 

I was trying to decide on what kind of banner I wanted to make, when it dawned on me that the wooden frames would be perfect!
I didn't like the "natural" look of the frames, so I painted them white. {this was after I originally stained them... but I still wasn't loving the way they looked... so it was on to plan B... haha}
Once they were painted, I sanded them down a bit to give them that distressed look {which I love}

Now onto the paper and lettering
I just used some cute scrapbook paper and foam letters I had.  It lucked out that the color of the letters matched the paper so perfectly!
After measuring the size of the frame opening, I cut my paper into 12 equal squares.
Once all the paper was cut, it was time to glue them onto the frames
Flip the frame over, add a little Mod Podge {around the inside edge} and stick on your paper
Here they are, all dry and ready to add the letters
I had it really easy, {since my letters were foam stickers} I just pealed and placed.  I left 1 blank space, so there would be a separation between Happy and Easter

Lastly, I added white twine.  I just weaved it through all the frames and hung it up on my mantel.
Once I added my cute bunny statue and my Easter {pom pom} egg, my mantel was finished and ready for Easter!
(to see where I've linked up - click here!!)


  1. SO pretty! i love it!! We are hosting a party tomorrow...would love for you to share this!!!

  2. Your banner is beautiful. A nice touch for an Easter brunch or dinner! Happy Easter a little early. Following you on the Linky Followers. Linda

  3. Darling little banner! Thanks for sharing at Whimsy Wednesday.

  4. this is so cute!! I love it! :)

    Thanks so much for linking to "20 Below Thursday"! :)

  5. I love those frames! This turned out so sweet! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  6. The frames are just perfect! Thanks so much for joining us at our link party this week! We hope you will join us again tomorrow night!

    Take care,



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P.S. I {HEART} Followers!