
23 March 2012

Friday's Fantastic Finds {desserts}

I can't believe I haven't posted since Monday!  I've been out of commission... Late Monday night I scratched my eye - badly {still not sure how it happened}, but it wouldn't stop burning or watering :/  On Tuesday I went to Urgent Care and they confirmed that I scratched my cornea... luckily with a little ointment {and no pirate patch} I would be back to normal in 2-3 days.

So that put me out of commission, no crafting OR blogging {since trying to focus my eye on anything made it water and burn.}  By Thursday morning my eye was feeling MUCH better, which allowed me to finally link up to all the parties I'd missed and starting crafting again!

I'll have lots of fun crafts posted next week {maybe I'll even post some this weekend}, but today is dedicated to my fantastic finds!

As I mentioned last week, my pregnancy cravings have me wanting as much peanut butter and chocolate I can find!  I must admit, my FAV candy is Reese cups, so it's not surprising that I love anything with those same flavors!  :-D  So without further ado...

I'll be sure to tell you what next weeks theme is (at the bottom of each weeks post), so if you have any suggestions (your personal creations OR anything you saw, tried, loved or just wanted to share), please leave a comment with all the info and a link to what you thought was FANTASTIC!

Also, if you want to PIN anything (which we all love doing), please click on the specific link and PIN from the original site... as they deserve ALL of the credit!  Thanks! 
(in no particular order)

Normally I write something about each find, but this week I think the pictures and titles speak for themselves.  

The only thing I can say is:
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes --> by The Girl Who Ate Everything 

Tagalong Peanut Butter Trifle --> by What's Cooking Love?

Reese's Cheesecake Brownies --> by Susannah's Kitchen

Pretzel Bottomed Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Pie --> by AKM Designs and Delights
and YUM!!!!!

next week...
It's 5 weeks left until my little girl's arrival and I still have so much to do!  I have all these great DIY furniture projects I want to get done I want my HUSBAND to get done, but I know if we he doesn't finish them BEFORE the baby is due, then they probably won't get done for quite awhile...

So next week's Fantastic Finds will be dedicated to:

DIY Furniture Projects!

Hopefully it will give me us the motivation to get our projects done :-D

Remember, if you have any suggestions, please leave a comment with your info and I'll check it out - THANKS!

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