
17 February 2012

Wine Cork Monogram Letter

I like to drink wine and I've saved all my corks.  Finally I've created something with all of them, okay, not all of them, I still have quite a few left... like I said, I like to drink wine - haha :)
Do you have TONS of wine corks sitting around your house?  Do you keep telling yourself, I'll do "something crafty" with them... just like me, you've probably seen this idea (and many more) everywhere!  I've seen it on Pinterest, Etsy, Google searches, in retail stores, etc...  so I thought it was finally time to make my own!
I was in Michael's (buying items for a different craft), when I saw these wooden letters for $1.99, so I figured it was a sign - time to get gluing!  I bought an "L" for our last name :)

This craft was SUPER cheap - the cost of the wooden letter and that's it! (assuming that you already have your collection of wine corks, so I guess it's a really expensive craft, seeing as the wine probably wasn't cheap... but at least you got wine out of the deal - right? haha) 
I placed all the corks on the "L" before I started gluing, so I knew how the rows would look and how many corks I'd need.
Then just start gluing! (I used my glue gun) For some of the corks on the edges, I glued the sides of 2 corks together, then glued the bottoms down, so they wouldn't fall off.
Then find a nice place to display it!

I think I want to go back and buy the letters W-I-N-E and then display it above my wine bar.  Of course I'll need A LOT more corks for that project... seeing as I'm currently pregnant, that craft will just have to wait.
Happy Crafting!
(to see where I've linked up - click here!)


  1. This is so cool!! I need to save some corks! I would love it if you linked up at my party going on now! (It's my very first one!!)


  2. Hi Jill, thanks for the comment! Of course, I'd love to link up to your party!
    Keep checking back for more fun crafts
    Angela :)

  3. Great idea. Mostly we just drink Diet Coke around here and somehow I don't think that would have the same effect:)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I think you're right, Diet Coke cans might not have the same effect - haha

      Angela :)

  4. Very cute! I love the depth of it!

    1. Hi Meg,
      Thanks for the comment - I love new visitors :)


  5. Replies
    1. It was such a fun (and easy) craft - you should definitely make one (if you have enough corks) :)


  6. Thanks so much for following :)


  7. This is super cute! I like my wine too ;)

    Thanks so much for linking to "20 Below Thursday"! :)

    1. Hi Christina,
      Thanks for the sweet comment - stop by again soon!


  8. This is very clever! i totally think you should do the word WINE!! Would look amazing!! Thank you for linking up at our Uncommonly Yours party! Bonnie;)

  9. Fun! And I try not to think about how much those corks cost! :-)

  10. Very cool idea. I would love it if you joined and contribute your awesome posts at my link party at City of Creative Dreams on Fridays :D Hope to see you there at City of Creative Dreams Link Party

  11. I’ve done one for each of my grown children. Something special from Mom.


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