
28 November 2011

Turkey Name Cards

I found all these great ideas for Thanksgiving crafts, but this was the only one I could finish in time (combine being sick while pregnant AND having a sick daughter... not much got done around here).  Anyhow, after we both started feeling better, I was able to get my turkey project completed! 
I got the template and instructions from Martha Stewart's Turkey Place Cards, but there pictures weren't very good and the instructions were a little vague.  So here is how I made all the turkeys:
There was A LOT of tracing
Then A LOT of cutting (I wish my Cameo had shown up 1 day earlier!! - haha)
 Finally it was time to start the assembly
I glued the beak onto the head, then glued the head onto the body
Time for the feathers (yarn)
The instructions say to use craft glue, but I used by glue gun instead.  I found that it dried much faster which made the yarn easier to wrap.
Now that all the turkeys are done, time to glue on the base
All done!
Don't they look pretty?

Fast forward to Thanksgiving day...
I wrote all the guests name on the base and placed them on the table
My mom and grandma set the table - doesn't it look beautiful?
Hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving!  GOBBLE GOBBLE!

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