
01 November 2011

Bee Keeper

This year for Halloween I gave my husband the task of coming up with matching costumes for the 3 of us.  Well he came up with the perfect costumes - The BEE Family!

14mo old = little baby bee
Mommy = Queen bee
Daddy = Bee Keeper!

I decided that I was going to make the Bee Keeper costume, (because to be honest - the one online was a little pricey... if you ask me!).  Anyhow, after doing some research, I found some great instructions on how to DIY, from the one and only... Martha Stewart!  Her instructions (see here) were super easy and it took no time at all!

While I followed most of the instructions, I did make a few changes.  Here is how mine turned out!
Here were my materials
I attached the ribbon to the Tulle with the hot glue gun
 then I attached the tulle to my hat, with the hot glue gun
gotta love my glue gun!
Tulle is attached!
Now time for the bees!
Again, I took my handy dandy glue gun and glued the bees right to the tulle
The bees I used were actually found in the button section of my craft store.  The pack had 3 different sizes and they looked more animated, exactly what I wanted!
my handsome model
We finished off the costume with my husband wearing painters coveralls and a sign/name tag that said BEE KEEPER (which was also covered in little bees)
Here is the my little bee with her favorite Bee Keeper!

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